Hi, I am trying to configure the sticky section in my Single Product Page Builder to behave like described below:
Here is how to reproduce what I need:
1. go to website: https://berrybenka.com/clothing/bottoms/282436/ivira-pocket-pants-blue?trc_sale=clothing+women . Don’t scroll just yet. stay on top of the page.
2. click on ‘Rincian Ukuran & Fit’ tab so it opens. Notice the tab height is much more than visible area in sticky right column.
3. now try to scroll down.
– you can see that sticky right column scrolls a little to reveal content of ‘Rincian Ukuran & Fit’ tab
– when we arrive at the very end of ‘Rincian Ukuran & Fit tab the whole sticky right column behaves just like usual sticky container.
I tried with overylow-y for right column but it did not work. Setting scrollable content on tab component is not a solution either. Is there any way to make whole sticky section scrollable like in page above?