since the last update to version 9.4.0 I have a serious issue on the checkout page. Credit card details as entered into the fields by the user are deleted on page scroll.
I have tested the issue using twentytwentyfour theme and found that it works then.
Also, I noticed that the problem first appeared right after xstore update to 9.4.0 on September 2nd. I have tested the issue with the other plugins deactivated (only xstore active) and the issue persisted.
In order to repeat the issue:
add products to cart min. 35,00 (https://www.pflanzkompass.at/artikel/stipa-ichu/)
go to ceckout page: https://www.pflanzkompass.at/bezahlen/
choose payment type “Karte”
fill out the fields for the card details
scroll down the page
> card details get deleted
Mollie plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/mollie-payments-for-woocommerce/
Please provide support for this issue asap
Thank you