in my site i search some item names which i already added in the website but its not showing the items pleas help me
This topic has 6 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 3 months ago ago by Eva Kemp
in my site i search some item names which i already added in the website but its not showing the items pleas help me
Hello roshan.zakky@gmail.com,
would you kindly specify what items are you searching for: products, portfolio projects, blog posts etc? Please show the problem on screenshot if possible.
Stan Russell.
I am also having this issue. The search form should search for products, posts, pages, etc. because an online store has more than just products. What files contain the code to change this functionality and what files output the results so that we can style the outputs? I’m using WooPress and it is written differently than any other theme I’ve seen.
Thank you.
Hello @akadibaba,
Our theme doesn’t have feature to search for all items. In this case you have to use some plugin to achieve what you want.
Eva Kemp.
Ok then what files contain your search functionality and output? I will need to code this myself within my child theme.
Also, what files output the fixed header? I want the fixed header to be the same as my initial top header. I can’t find files for either header.
So I need to know:
1. Files that contain the search functionality.
2. Files that output the search results.
3. Files that output the top header (flowers – variant 17).
4. Files that output the fixed header.
Thank you.
Hello @akadibaba,
1. The file is wp-content/themes/woopress/woosearchform.php.
2. The file is wp-content/themes/woopress/framework/theme-functions.php (line 826).
3. The file for header type 17 is wp-content/themes/woopress/headers/header-structure-6.php.
4. Fixed header code is written in the file wp-content/themes/woopress/header.php.
Eva Kemp.
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