Hi. Sometimes when we search our site, it populates oddly. It leaves a space. See here:
Site url is: http://stylesbyjs.wpengine.com
Thank you.
Lizy Bloom
This topic has 5 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 2 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
Hi. Sometimes when we search our site, it populates oddly. It leaves a space. See here:
Site url is: http://stylesbyjs.wpengine.com
Thank you.
Lizy Bloom
Could you please provide temporary wp-admin access in Private Content?
Hi. I disabled the native search and installed Ajax Search For Woocommerce. It creates a dropdown list which I like so I have fixed the issue that way. However it is not perfect. Here are the remaining issues/options
1. If I use the Ajax Search for Woo. I need it also to appear on scroll. Is there a way to keep top bar there on scroll? Or which header should I choose that would make it appear next to the logo.
2. If you want you can add back in the native search and play with it. Temp credentials are in private content below. However…
3. I don’t really like how using the search that comes with Xstore that quickly you see like a mega menu of products appear before it populates the entire page of search results. This flashes by super quick and only sometimes. I assume it is similar to the ajax search that creates a dropdown, but I just don’t like the way it looks. Could this be disabled so you just type a search term and hit enter and a page appears?
I’m not going to do anything on the site for the next half hour or so in hopes that you are looking at it. I don’t want us to be competing to make changes in the backend.
1. Fixed header is generated automatically by the script. That’s why if you want to change its content you need to edit script http://prntscr.com/hp5ms5 (xstore/js/etheme.js, xstore/js/etheme.min.js)
2. I can’t replicate the problem with products http://prntscr.com/hp5ofs what keyword did you use?
3. Yes, just disable Ajax search in Theme options > Header Settings > AJAX Search > OFF
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