Hi there,
How can I add second language to my store? I want to add German.
This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 7 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
Hi there,
How can I add second language to my store? I want to add German.
Use one of the following plugins to create a multilanguage site and follow the plugin instructions:
– qTranslate
– Polylang
I already installed polylang. I have added second language (Deutsch) but I can’t add language switcher to the top panel.
1) Go to Theme Options > Header > Top bar > make sure that top bar and top panel are enabled and that you use a dark color scheme if the top bar bg is the default (white).
2) Are you sure that you want to show the switcher in the top panel area https://gyazo.com/4cc9ec8e568d8c0897abe396780a1df5 ? Or maybe you meant left/right top bar widget area? Then go to Appearance > Widgets > make sure that you added the widget to correct area.
1) my settings https://prnt.sc/oivz1v
2) widgets https://prnt.sc/oivz9h
But still I don’t have top panel/top bar and language switcher 🙁
There is language switcher on the frontend but it’s why on white http://prntscr.com/oixpq5
Have you cleared the cache after changes of the top bar bg?
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