Hi there when i search for something and press the search button it shows 500 error and critical error here is the video
This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 months, 2 weeks ago ago by Rose Tyler
Hi there when i search for something and press the search button it shows 500 error and critical error here is the video
Hello, Cloud Shop,
Thank you for reaching out to us.
https://prnt.sc/jpNvpqaVCrYp – you need to contact your hosting provider and ask to fix this memory error.
Best regards,
8Theme’s Team
What should be the best memory setting for this?
Hello, Cloud Shop,
Woocommerce > Status > Logs > error log file – https://prnt.sc/jpNvpqaVCrYp – 536870912 bytes + 62914592 bytes = 599785504 bytes = 599.785504 MB – https://www.gbmb.org/bytes-to-mb
Another solution can be disabling unrequired plugins that use the memory.
Best regards,
8Theme’s Team
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