Here are some issues I encountered with your theme:
1. After proceeding like in your video tutorial for adding an image to the mega menu, the image doesn’t appear
2. The single product page used to work without problem but I noticed today that the product images don’t appear anymore there, although they display on the other pages. Even the mega menu, the product description, more info, reviews and return/delivery tabs don’t work on that page
3. Product images don’t appear in ajax search
4. Quick View doesn’t work when description on over is enable on shop pages
5. There is no wishlist page and when I try to create one with the [yith_wcwl_add_to_wishlist] shortcode it doesn’t work
6. I have set the live chat plugin, but the message sending doesn’t work. It appears correctly on the website but when the visitor send the message there is a “permission_denied” error message