Several issues with the theme. Need assistance.

This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago ago by Eva Kemp

  • Avatar: Catinho
    February 3, 2016 at 09:19

    So i am having several issues with this theme I recently bought.
    This is starting to get really frustrating, I have a deadline on the project and I even started considering asking for a full refund on this and looking for a more mature developed theme I can rely on for modifications. The thing is, those errors are not coming from anything I changed because the only thing I have touched so far is the child theme’s css.
    So here’s a list of the issues i am having:

    1) The variant 3 for the header is only working on the home page. All the other pages get the hero banner/slider placed below the navigation bar, leaving a huge white gap in between the top of the site and the start of the slider/banner.
    2) Several pages within the site jump it’s content when scrolling down, making it impossible to reach the bottom of the site. (You can see this in the shop page, when trying to enter billing information from the account page -specially here, can’t even finish typing the information, etc)
    3) I can’t get the registration form to show anywhere. I need an accesible registration form for new customers. ALSO, when you go into the checkout without being registered and mark the checkbox to register a new account, the form only shows a field for password… no email, no name, nothing? how is the user supposed to create a new account like that?
    4) I have no Footer Variants. When I go to 8theme Options, is there supposed to be a place to select footer variants like with the header? If thats the case, I don’t have it.
    If thats not the case then I do not understand how to place columns into the footer and make use of several widgets within it, making it look like in your demo content where the footer had 3-4 columns of content.
    5) The typography settings for the footer, some of the widget titles and general headings as well as in the header are NOT working. Whatever font-family, size or color I put in it will stay the same.
    6) My Blog Page shows ALL the content for each blog post instead of just the excerpt or a little extract from the content of each post. No matter which layout I choose to use. Do I need to modify the template file to change this behavior?
    7) I added a custom currency to the theme just like I have done it with a couple other themes before but it didn’t work (added it through wooCommerce’s functions.php hook in their docs). Not sure if it’s something from the theme not letting it come through?
    8) The portfolio single page doesn’t show the featured image, and I see no where to tell the site to show it. I can get around this one easily with VC or getting into the templates but it would be nice to have, or to know if it’s included somewhere.

    I am aware that some of these issues might be caused due to me not knowing the theme well enough but I have seriously been explooring the themes for days now before making this post, so I would appreciate any information regarding these issues. I am also attaching my info so that you can check it out, but in case you need to change anything within my wordpress install I would appreciate knowing exactly what it was so I can keep track of it for future reference.
    I’m pretty sure (hope to be wrong) there will more issues coming up as I get deeper and further into the developing of the site, but so far these are the main ones.

    Please, contact administrator
    for this information.
    3 Answers
    Avatar: Eva
    Eva Kemp
    February 3, 2016 at 10:57


    1. Header type 3 works only for home page. To make transparent header for other pages you need select Breadcrumbs Style as “Background Large” and upload background image in Theme Options > General > Header Settings.

    2. We don’t have such issue on our test site. Try to update all required plugins to the latest versions .

    3. Registration form is used on Sign In page that you have in top bar. To enable the form go to Woocommerce > Settings > Accounts > tick “Enable registration on the “My Account” page”. Concerning form on Checkout page go to Woocommerce > Settings > Accounts > uncheck “Automatically generate username from customer email”.

    4. To import footer you need import footer file from theme package > “XML Files” folder > “Footer Variants” folder. Next, go to Tools > Import > WordPress > upload chosen xml file, press “Upload File and import”. Check “Download and import file attachments” and press Submit button.
    The footer block will appear in Static Blocks section. You need add Static Block widget into “Footer” area in Appearance > Widgets.

    5. As I see styles in footer are shown the same as you set in Theme Options .

    6. Please read this article

    7. In your child functions.php file I don’t see any additional code regarding currency display.

    8. There is no such option for single portfolio project. We’ll forward this query to our developers to implement it in future update.

    Eva Kemp.

    Avatar: Catinho
    February 5, 2016 at 07:33

    Thanks so much Eva, you helped me fix all my 8 issues at one go, love it.
    You can mark this one as solved.

    And yeah, I had included the currency and didnt work, removed it and now it does work so must have screwed up before. Also, when I imported the new footer variant it made all the fonts in there go open sans, I could see some serif’ed font in there before that but nothing to worry about anymore, is it.

    Original post:
    I know this is not something that might be thought out for, but is there any not so complicated way I can use the mask with hover (for product images) in the Shop Page, but disable it for the home page?
    While I was making the post I noticed I can try to disable the absolute positioning and overriding the opacity and hover styles and that might just work fine, made it work from debugger so i’ll give it a shot. So guess I answered my own question.
    Thanks again for your help before.

    Avatar: Eva
    Eva Kemp
    February 5, 2016 at 09:56


    You’re welcome.
    We’re glad the issues have been resolved.

    Eva Kemp.

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