Hello, I have some issues I’d like to find solutions.
1. I’d like shop product grid cards to be as uniform as possible. I have issue with images. In settings I’ve set ratio 1:1, but some images doesn’t follow this setting. Maybe the image is too large for this setting to be applied?
2. Would it be possible to set three dots (…) at the end of product card title? I have set title to be only 2 lines, but would be awesome if it ended with … if title exceeded 2 lines.
3. How do I translate shop filters url slugs? I.e. brand or price (/parduotuve/?filter_brand=samsung)
4. Recently I have asked about sticky header font color on top and changing to white after scrolling down. It works great, but would it be possible to use one logo at the top and use different one when scrolled down? Prev post: https://www.8theme.com/topic/issue-with-background-image-dissapearing/#post-438079
Thank you.