Hi, for some reason I’m getting these errors when I try and checkout https://prnt.sc/tjgru1
any idea why this might be happening?
This topic has 6 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 7 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
Hi, for some reason I’m getting these errors when I try and checkout https://prnt.sc/tjgru1
any idea why this might be happening?
Provide us with test information for the credit card to check the mentioned issue http://prntscr.com/tjhnm4
Please check how does it work with a default WC theme – Storefront. If the situation is independent of the theme, contact the support of WooCommerce to get assistance.
Hi, i tried it again and the errors dont show but nothing happens when i click the ‘place order’ button – https://prnt.sc/tjiaw5
Are you able to do a quick test maybe. I don’t think it matters what credit card details you use.
Sorry, it looks like i put in the wrong expiry date. It seems to work now I changed that. I used this card number too 5555555555554444
Have you sorted out?
Let us know if you need any other assistance.
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