Shopping Cart Cosmetics - by Su Flo - on WordPress WooCommerce support

This topic has 16 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 4 months ago ago by Rose Tyler

  • Avatar: Su Flo
    Su Flo
    September 1, 2017 at 12:30

    Hi Rose, Here is another set of questions that we hope you can help with. We are almost there! In addition to this we don’t expect there to be too many more questions for you.

    1. How can we add a specific Xstore shop layout to our BUY page?

    2. On the home page, under latest offers, is it possible for us to re-order the items so we can have certain items showing in a particular order?

    3. How can we connect our social media items to their live pages and also, when a visitor clicks on them they are driven to a new separate screen.

    4. In our quick links section at the footer of the site, how can we connect each menu item to their respective page? We will be adding Testimonials and FAQs so will need to add Xstore templates to these.

    5. On the bottom right corner of the footer section, how can we disable the logo from visitors being able to click on it? As at the moment, you can click and you are taken to the top of the page.

    6. Bottom footer once again, there seems to be a big gap between the column sections and the company information line right at the bottom, how can we reduce this space please?

    7. Is it possible to add a full horizontal price list without photos and also PDF price list to the website?

    8. For each page we design, where do we add the meta-tag data for SEO.

    9. Our payment gateway platform is Worldpay, how can we set things up with them? Is it straightforward.

    May also need to come back to you regarding the front home page sliders as the link you send is a bit confusing.

    Hope you can help and look forward to hearing from you in due course. Kind Regards.

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    15 Answers
    Avatar: Rose Tyler
    Rose Tyler
    Support staff
    September 4, 2017 at 10:17


    Sorry for the delay.
    1. Please explain with more detail maybe provide screenshots what exactly you want to achieve.
    2. You may find “Order way” options in Products element settings.
    3. Please check settings of Social links element and set needed links.
    4. Simply change # to your link
    We have this demo page, if you want I may help recreate it, also you may use
    5. Simple delete link tag
    7. Please check our demo
    8. You may use SEO plugin.
    9. This question doesn’t relate to our theme.


    Avatar: Su Flo
    Su Flo
    September 4, 2017 at 11:01

    Hi Rose,

    Many thanks for coming back.

    1. When a visitor clicks on the “SHOP ONLINE” tap we want them to go to the XSTORE shop design we intend to use for this purpose. How can we add our choosen XSTORE shop design to the “SHOP ONLINE” menu item? Hope this explains. What is the process for sending screen shots via the private content section?
    2. Where exactly is “order Way” please. Can’t see it.
    3. Where are the Social links elements located please.
    4. Yes please, could you help us. We need to know how to firstly upload and create an XSTORE page and then connect this page to the footer menu item.
    5. Sorted, Thank you.
    6. Excellent, Thank you.
    7. Thanks for the PDF information, however, is there the option under, say producers, for there to be a horizontal list of products without any images, just a basic list?
    8. Would you recommend a particular SEO plugin?
    9. Are you saying we cannot use Worldpay as our payment gateway? or do we need to instal a plug in or something.

    I look forward to hearing from you soon, Kind Regards, Su.

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    Avatar: Rose Tyler
    Rose Tyler
    Support staff
    September 5, 2017 at 09:02


    1. Make sure that you set this page as Shop
    You may use such screenshot maker as Lightshot and provide screenshot link in Private Content.
    3. Write needed links.
    4. Please see screenshots
    7. Please see this our demo, you may create something similar using Post Grid and create own design
    Please refer to this video tutorial
    8. You may try Yoast SEO plugin.
    9. I mean that this question does not relate to our theme, but you may try to use Worldpay without our consultation.


    Avatar: Su Flo
    Su Flo
    September 5, 2017 at 10:58

    Hi Rose,

    Many thanks for the detailed information. Thank you very much.

    1.Excellent, thank you. We notice the shop screen is a default screen, however, how can we add a shop template similar to Catalogue or 5 Columns as per the shop templates in the Xstore demo? We would like to add Filter by Colour and Filter by Producer. Is this possible?

    2. Sorted thank you, doesn’t give us the option to scroll and re-order, but we can work around that, just for the Latest Offers items.

    3. Social media information is in the private content box.

    4. Nice, thank you very much, very straight forward to connect,thank you. How can we specifically add a Xstore templates to some of our pages, for example in Testimonials we would like to use Portfolio classic but would like to remove the headings Show All, Photography, Print, Video and Web Design.

    7. Thank you.

    8. Have now added Yeost. Looks great.

    9. We are speaking to Woocommerce regarding the activation of worldpay, thank you.

    In addition to this, we are getting there, almost there, but have the following questions that we hope you can answer please.

    A.On product pages, how can we remove the “REVIEWS (0)” section as this is not required. URL in private contents.

    B.On the product page, how can we move the social media icons so they are next the Share Social. At the moment they are far away to the right. URL in private contents.

    C.On the offers page, how can we set up the related products so they relate to the product being offered? URL in private contents.

    D. On the latest offer page, can we change the titles, NEW ARRIVALS, FEATURED and SPECIAL? URL in private contents.

    E.On the home page sliders, we’re not having any issues with the design of the sliders, however we cannot seen to make the sliders scroll from slide to slide, it wold be nice to also see how we can change the speed of the sliders too.

    F. In our custom CSS in theme options, Styling, Custom CSS, on line 11, there is a yellow warning triangle with a black exclamation mark. Is this a problem?

    G. When the site is complete we would like to switch the site to the real site, is this an easy process? We have installed DUPLICATOR which comes as recommended on search engines, however is there a better one you would recommend?

    Finally for now, being able to upload the Xstore page templates will probably complete most of our requirements, however, there may be the odd tweaks here and there that we hope you can help with.

    So far, a very big thank you for all your great support. Kind Regards, Su Flo.

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    Avatar: Rose Tyler
    Rose Tyler
    Support staff
    September 5, 2017 at 13:58

    You’re welcome!
    1. Please go to Theme Options > E-Commerce > Shop and Products Page Layout
    Please see example from our demo >
    3. Please check these links now
    4. Portfolio page from our demo use special template that can be used only for portfolio projects.
    A. Read this topic
    B. You may add this code in Theme Options > Styling > Custom css:

    .single-product .product-information .menu-social-icons {
        float: left;
        margin-left: 20px;

    E. Please refer Slider documentation to find more information about available settings
    F. In your case, this mark is not a problem so you may simply ignore it.
    G. This question does not strictly relate to our theme, so you need sort out by yourself. But as I know our clients don’t face problems with it.


    Avatar: Su Flo
    Su Flo
    September 5, 2017 at 19:26

    Hi Rose, Many thanks for the detailed information, thank you. We have the odd one or two items we hope you can help with please.

    1. We’ve tried to add the catalogue page and the filters, however the extra filters seem to fix to the lower centre of the screen. How can we change to ensure the filters are on the left hand side. How can we change the titles of the filters too?

    3.With the Social media icons, we notice only two of them work i.e. linkedin and g+, the other two do not work. Firstly, where can we change these ourselves? And secondly, there doesn’t seen to be any URL connections to the SM icons in the top right corner of the site. Hope you can sort.
    4. On the portfolio page, how can we remove the top headings i.e. SHOW ALL, PHOTOGRAPHY, PRINT, VIDEO and WEB-DESIGN?

    A. Excellent, Thank you.
    B. Excellent, Thank you. Could you please check if the links connect to their corresponding SM page as some of them are not working. Will be most grateful.
    C. With the related products, we understand there may be extra dev work required for the number of related products, however we cannot seem to find where you can set up the basic related products within the products section. Could you please advise.
    D. After changing the headings, how can we add specific products to go into these categories?
    E. Thank you for the link, will take a look. Much appreciated.
    F. Thank you.
    G. Thank you.

    We have just two extra questions for them moment, so from now it should be just a case of tweaking the shopping cart before going live.

    1. How can we add our visa and mastercard logos to the buy page?
    2. When setting up a page, where can we see all the XSTORE demo page themes?

    Much appreciated Rose and thanks for all the hard work so far, thank you.

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    Avatar: Rose Tyler
    Rose Tyler
    Support staff
    September 6, 2017 at 08:19


    1. Please provide screenshot and link to the page.
    C. Related products set automatically by similar categories and tag, but you may set

    1. Please provide screenshot where exactly do you want to add cards logos?


    Avatar: Su Flo
    Su Flo
    September 6, 2017 at 09:26

    Hi Rose,

    1. Could you please advise how we can attach the lighshot to the private content section.

    2. Social media icons now added to the top, however they do not open up on a separate page, how can we do this please? Also, where can we enter the SM URL’s for the footer SM Icons please.

    4. Thank you. Excellent.

    B. Thank you. Much appreciated.

    C. We’ve added three test products as related products, however there are also other products showing. How can we restrict these to the ones that we enter as related products?

    D. Thank you, will set this up, much appreciated.

    1. We would like to add the Worldpay and Credit card logos at the bottom of the shopping cart page between worldwide delivery and Secure shipping, and the footer section. Also on the latest offers page, at the bottom between related products and the footer.

    2. Thanks for the link to additional pages, however this looks like a generic list of pages from other themes and some from the Xstore them. What we are looking for are the demo pages as per i.e when you click on one of the menu items you can see the full list of pages available for each menu item, where can we access these please and how can we add any particular template pages to pages we are designing please?

    Once we get these pieces sorted, we should almost be there, the only addition thing we can think of whilst we make these additions is the re-ordering/presentation of how we want category items to appear in the SHOP ONLINE page as we would like to set these up in a particular order.

    Look forward to your advice. Many thanks. Kind Regards, Su Flo.

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    Avatar: Su Flo
    Su Flo
    September 6, 2017 at 09:48

    Hi Rose,

    Hope you can catch this one in time. Regarding the Portfolio page, we have deleted PHOTOGRAPHY, PRINT, VIDEO and WEB-DESIGN, however the SHOW ALL needs to be replaced with TESTIMONIALS, how do we do this please.

    Kind Regards Su Flo.

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    Avatar: Rose Tyler
    Rose Tyler
    Support staff
    September 6, 2017 at 09:58


    1. Did you try to add image link in ?
    2. Please check settings of Social links element
    Go to Appearance > Widgets > Footer Column 4 > 8theme – Social links.
    C. You may disable related products and set Location of upsell products

    1. >
    Read more
    Seems you don’t have Cart and Checkout page, so go to WooCommerce > System Status > Tools tab > Install WooCommerce pages button.
    2. You may import Home full-width page and other pages in Theme Options.
    Use Theme Options and [8theme] Layout options to set needed settings for pages.
    You may select needed page from our demo and I will help you recreate the page.

    Go to Dashboard -> Products -> Categories and click on a category and drag and drop to sort them.


    Avatar: Rose Tyler
    Rose Tyler
    Support staff
    September 6, 2017 at 10:04

    You can change text “Show All” in xstore/framework/post-types/portfolio.php file
    It’s strongly recommended to make such changes via child theme to prevent losing your customizations after the next theme update.


    Avatar: Su Flo
    Su Flo
    September 6, 2017 at 14:59

    Hi Rose, Many thanks for the assistance, very much appreciated, thank you.

    If there is anything else we shall come back to you if that’s ok.

    In the meantime we shall go through the list to see which particular pages we need, also, on the very last point, you kindly mentioned to to change the “SHOW ALL” in the child theme, where exactly is this please? Also, would there be any other coding amendments we have made be affected by not making such changes in the child theme, thought we’d ask if that’s ok.

    Many thanks.

    Kind Regards, Su Flo.

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    Avatar: Rose Tyler
    Rose Tyler
    Support staff
    September 7, 2017 at 08:34


    Any changes in template files ( .php) you need to make in child theme, please read more
    for example, to change “SHOW ALL” text correctly simply copy etheme_portfolio function into function.php file of your child theme and change text here.


    Avatar: Su Flo
    Su Flo
    September 7, 2017 at 10:55

    Hi Rose,

    Thank you for the reply. We have looked at the screenshot but cannot seem to find line 153 of the CSS list, could you please advise where we can find it.

    Also, regarding child themes, has there been anything we have added to date, i.e. the codes you have give us to add to the Custom CSS in 8themeoptions > styling, that need to be added elsewhere? Just so there will not be any problems with any updates.

    Hope you can advise please. Kind Regards, Su Flo.

    Please, contact administrator
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    Avatar: Rose Tyler
    Rose Tyler
    Support staff
    September 7, 2017 at 12:46

    We have looked at the screenshot but cannot seem to find line 153 of the CSS list, could you please advise where we can find it.

    – connect to your site files via FTP and find xstore/framework/post-types/portfolio.php file.

    You added custom css in right place, do not worry about it.


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