As of now when someone opens a product page of your niche market theme on mobile he gets the add to cart button at the bottom when he scrolls up a little, else there is the default 4 icon bar. I want to change it. Take a look at this https://gyazo.com/2c0e2eaee5d82a76ed6c394c5d57bd03 , In this when I scroll up the add to cart bar with quantity pops up but as soon as scroll up a little it changes to the mobile 4 icons and bar. I want to turn the navbar off on product pages in the mobile view and show only the add to cart bar with quantity.As soon as a customer opens the product page on mobile the bar shouldn’t be there and only add to cart button becomes what you can say a sticky bar like this https://prnt.sc/sz6r1r.
Also how to change or increase the icon on the mobile bar at the bottom. Can I add the search form in this bar which when clicked could open up the product ajax search in a popup or something?