As the native Legenda toggle shortcode is broken, i’m using one called WP Show More to hide part of more lengthy cat/brand descriptions.
It works great on all static pages and product category pages, but for some reason it refuses to work on brand pages.
I have added in brand description to /woocommerce/archive-product.php to get the brand description showing on category pages.
<?php echo term_description( “”, get_query_var( ‘brand-taxonomy’ ) ); ?>
The brand desctiption text appears fine, but using a shortcode like [show_more more=”More” less=”Less”] doesn’t work, it just shows up as plain text on the front end. This isn’t the only plugin that i’ve tried and had this outcome, so it’s not a plugin issue.
As both brand and product category pages use the archive-product.php as a base, any ideas as to why shortcodes work on one and not the other?