Good afternoon, I have been testing the theme configuration options to display the products and I have some questions regarding the product labels. I attach screenshots.
I am creating a virtual store of mechanical spare parts with the following taxonomy: Brands (product brand), Labels (vehicle model) and Categories (type of product), I have advanced it as planned and I have not had major problems in accommodating it with the theme .
The problem that has arisen is that I need to show the product label as it currently appears on the store page:
To do this, add PHP code and CSS styles to the “functions.php” and “styles.css” of the child theme. I thought that with that, it would always be shown like this in all sections, but I see that it is not, since on the pages that load from the links of the brands, labels and categories, the product label is not shown:
Likewise, in Elementor XStore components, when added, this field is not displayed in the front part of the content:
I have reviewed the documentation, in addition to carrying out several tests and I cannot find the key to always show the product label.
I share with you privately the codes used. I would appreciate it if you could tell me which hooks are necessary or the correction to be able to display this field and it can be visible in the products.
I will be attentive to your observations.
Kind regards.