We would like to show variations as single products on all shop, category etc pages, so we bought the plugin: https://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-show-variations-as-single-products/25330620 and to make the second image show, we also bought their other plugin: https://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-gallery-images/28844649
There are a few problems, like the brand is not displaying on the single variations products and the second image does not display either, so we contacted their support and the plugin developers replied with the following:
1) Your theme is outputting the gallery function and they use the variation ID to get inital images. They need to change it to fetch main product images > contact theme devs
2) Not sure if “brand” comes from your theme, but it is the same as 1). In your theme listing they fetch the variation ID and not the main product ID. On variation ID you do not have set a brand > contact theme / brand plugin developers.
Is there any way you can help? Also, do you maybe plan to add this feature to the wonderful XStore even if that means that you will have to raise its price?