Hello people,
In the Loco plugin, in the xstore-core-pt_BR.po file, I translated the text “Theme Options” to “Personalizar tema” (https://prnt.sc/u34lts), and the text was translated correctly in the top menu (https://prnt.sc/u34m5o), but in the side menu it was not translated (https://prnt.sc/u34mca).
In the xstore-pt_BR.po file, it also has the text “Theme Options”, and I translated it for “Opções de temas” (https://prnt.sc/u34lo9), but it also did not translate that text in the menu.
Another thing… the side menu has two “Theme Options” (https://prnt.sc/u34qrm). The first leads to the /wp-admin/themes.php?page=install-required-plugins&plugin_status=all page, so I wanted to translate it to “Instalar plugins necessários”. And the second leads to the /wp-admin/customize.php customization page, so I wanted to translate it to “Opções de temas” or “Personalizar tema”. However, I am unable to translate.
Thank you!