I hava a few problems in your theme. I have created pages for every category, and made buttons and stuff on each side. Now i have the problem that if someone goes back to another category, they get the category page like this:https://www.dropbox.com/s/hm0jpmzt3ietk7e/Feil.jpg?dl=0. Page url: http://www.kostmask.no/produktkategori/teatersminke/vannsminke/.
I want it to look like the site i made: https://www.dropbox.com/s/408ojm41m992ktl/Riktig.jpg?dl=0. Pageurl: http://www.kostmask.no/teatersminke/vannsminke/.
I used the Produckt -> Category -> Page Template and linked to all my pages, but it don´t look right. I want the butons in the top of tha page to show, so therefore i made it like this. https://www.dropbox.com/s/tq4lwe4xyz0zsbe/Category%20-%20Page%20template.jpg?dl=0
Hope you can help me with this:)