I am unable to get the product slider on my homepage like your Demo page.
I tried to upload your blanco-revolution-slider-sample.txt but it returns an Error: Incompatible Archive.
This topic has 19 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 9 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
I am unable to get the product slider on my homepage like your Demo page.
I tried to upload your blanco-revolution-slider-sample.txt but it returns an Error: Incompatible Archive.
Thanks for the topic.
Could you please provide temporary wp-admin access in Private Content?
Thank you for your attention on this issue.
After Revolution Slider update 5.0 slider import comes with the archive, not just txt file, this archive is included in theme package. Very likely you tried to use old import file. We have imported the default slider http://prntscr.com/idmymz . Check now.
Hi Rose,
I am trying to get the product slider onto my Homepage like the Demo page. Can you please help. https://prnt.sc/idswfo
Please use these shortcodes:
[etheme_new title="Latest Products" ]
Also, you need to mark some products as “featured” https://prnt.sc/ie0cc1 and as “new” http://prntscr.com/ie0co5
Thank you for the shotcode. However, the arrows are not in place (please see private message).
Please add this code in custom.css:
.product-slider .prev, .product-slider .next {
bottom: 140px;
top: auto;
To create custom.css you need rename default.custom.css to custom.css in wp-content/themes/blanco directory via FTP and enable it in Blanco – Theme Settings, tick “Enable Custom CSS file”.
Thank you! The issue is now resolved.
You’re welcome!
Have a nice day.
Hi Rose,
I apologize for bothering you again. But somehow the featured products box is not right when going to my website on a mobile phone (Please see attached image).
Please use this custom css code:
@media (max-width: 479px){
.product-slider .slider-title{
clear: both;
I have the same problem. Can you please check the same, as I am not very comfortable with technical knowledge.
Hello @Naimish,
Could you please describe your problem in more details? Also, provide us with full access. For now, I can’t see slider, products or theme settings.
I have imported the theme with demo content because I like the homepage as it is shown. But after import, I cannot see the slider. Have changed the access rights.
I have imported the theme with demo content because I like the homepage as it is shown. But after import, I cannot see the slider. Have changed the access rights for the given details.
Hello @Naimish,
Have you read our documentation? https://www.8theme.com/demo/docs/blanco/#!/slideshow Make sure you imported or created slider.
Unfortunately, I can’t login at all. Were credentials changed?
Documentation Solved it. Thank you.
Hello @Naimish,
You’re welcome!
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