I have purchased your great theme months ago and since the beginning the site is loading very slow.
Thanks to all kind of caching teqhniques, image compressions and really quick servr I managed to reduce the loading time but it is still soooo slow
I can not go less then 3seconds!
ISSUES I SEE causing it:
1. The wait time for https://shop.ruvik.net/?wc-ajax=get_refreshed_fragments
According to GTMetrix it takes about a second!!!!!!
See it here https://monosnap.com/file/SejkBxHaSsyje3rC3LtgEG9XR67xAV
I have used some PHP code to fix it
add_action( ‘wp_print_scripts’, ‘de_script’, 100 );
function de_script() {
wp_dequeue_script( ‘wc-cart-fragments’ );
return true;
But it did NOT help
ISSUE 2: Site makes hundreds of requests to load the ROBOTO font-family
After half a day I managed to find mostly of them and reduce to a dozen
But I can not find the rest of them.
Please ping me on Personal Message or preferred email
and I will provide you WP admin access to the site so you can log in and Kindly! 🙂 remove that font-family everywhere else!
You Ajax search ( search as I type ) takes soo long ( about 3 seconds ) to display the found results
ON your theme ( “niche”) everything is so immediate.
I know you will say : go purchase quick server and so on..
I am using the highest level of our Local Top Known and Awarded hosting
and my other site ( again WP ) loads on the same hosting for 1,6seconds!!! with 200+ pages/posts and thousands of images
ON your theme I found another AJAX related error and I do not know how to fix it
So once again – please ping me for access and make your magic!
Thank you in advance