Hi guys, want to ask how can i enable some features from the theme like this on mini cart
Popup window on the index page.
And this http://prntscr.com/17ywmff
Can you tell me how to enable this features?
Thanks guys!
This topic has 6 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 8 months ago ago by John Holden
Hi guys, want to ask how can i enable some features from the theme like this on mini cart
Popup window on the index page.
And this http://prntscr.com/17ywmff
Can you tell me how to enable this features?
Thanks guys!
1) Theme Options > Header builder > Cart > Show Linked Products (Off-Canvas) and Linked Products Type
2) XStore > Sales Booster > Fake Sale Popup
Hello, i tried the upsells / cross sells on a single product but it only shows on the single product page not in the mini cart off canvas. http://prntscr.com/188dkhp
Have you activated “Show Linked Products” in Theme Options > Header builder > Cart?
Please provide temporary wp-admin access and URL of product that has upsells or cross sells.
sent details to private.
What i really wanted is to add cross/up sells ONLY in the minicart (sidebar)
I dont need to show the cross/up sells in the single product page.
Is that possible?
Also, can you check my single product page builder? It seems like i cant add any elements on it. Tried putting a custom HTML but it doesn’t shows. Dunno why.
You can select Cross / up sale product in mini cart by going to Dashboard > Theme Options > Header Builder > Cart https://prnt.sc/1cjqhl6 and manage your options .
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