I have just updated Xstore & Elementor this morning and notice that there are some changes to my design styles.
1. On product pages the ‘add to wishlist’ has moved down to between the ‘buy with GPay’ and Paypal buttons (or if its doesn’t show GPay is is between PayPal ‘take 3’ and the main Paypal buttons). It should’nt be stuck in between payment options, it used to display above all those underneath the ‘Add to Cart’ button.
2. Checkout Page – Credit/Debit card payment box has changed to white with a black background. Used to be black background with white boxes.
3. Mailchimp Popup on Homepage – text is greyed out where the background colour and text colour have ‘swapped’. it is now unreadable.
It looks like something has changed in the style sheet maybe, but I don’t know how to fix it so would appreciate some help. Thanks, Ashley