Please clear all the below doubts:
1: If user is placing the order second time and placing from the new address then will it automatically save it to the my account?
2: You may also like section in my account- need to check what is the logic behind this, how it is working and how can i edit.
3: Need to add a custom filter in all the shop or category pages. Please tell steps.
4: If you see website once and go on the search section then sub categories are also visible in the search section, i need to turn off it and i need to make sure only categories should come in that product search bar.
5: Also please let me know about the search logic that how the search bar is working and how it is finding the products based upon?
6: I have removed the default register and login system of xstore and instead added the otp based system so i need to have the phone number auto saved in the my-account as well as in checkout page.
7: Sync of the Address changes in the My Account and Checkout
8: In the default feature of xstore order tracking , we just need to input the order id of the user and we want to remove the email from it, please suggest where to remove it.