Hi, there seems to be some sort of a performance and conflict with the xstore speed optimization section settings and cloudflare.
here is the settings from the xstore speed optimization section: https://prntscr.com/26ksqy8
and here is the cloudflare cache setting: https://prntscr.com/26kstuw and https://prntscr.com/26kstuy
i would prefer to have cloudflare handle as much as possible – Also, our ecommercce platform with all the products is just for display as we do not take any online orders, or people creating accounts etc.. it’s just for reference purposes.. what can be done so it’s all cached completely to achieve the maximum load time/performance (things we need to turn off/disable either on xstore settings and/or cloudflare settings.
please advise. – thank you so much as this will make an immense help and take care of much of the issues we have been experincing for a while now.