is possible add Static Blocks in Promo Text (in header slider)? Becouse only Admin can edit PromoText! This is problem.
This topic has 9 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 4 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
is possible add Static Blocks in Promo Text (in header slider)? Becouse only Admin can edit PromoText! This is problem.
Sorry, but your question is a bit unclear for me. Please describe it in more detail with screenshots.
You can use Lightshot screenshot tool https://app.prntscr.com/en/index.html to share screenshots, it creates a link to the image and you will just send us that link.
Do you use the default header or header builder?
I would like to insert shortcode into Promo Text. Currently, shortcode is not supported.
See – https://prnt.sc/pkfio0
Promo text can only be changed in theme settings and can only be changed by Admin (problem). I want it to be edited by Editor or Shop Manager – that’s why I want to use a shortcode Static Block.
You could think of it when developing Header Builder …
Create a static block, for example,
Header info line – http://prntscr.com/pkfpk9
http://prntscr.com/pkfput >
[vc_row][vc_column][etheme_scroll_text bg_color="#222222" height_value="30px"][etheme_scroll_text_item tooltip="true" tooltip_title="More details" tooltip_content="You can add anything here from Admin Panel."]<i class="et-icon et-coupon"></i> Take 30% off when you spend $150 or more with code xstore78
[/etheme_scroll_text_item][etheme_scroll_text_item tooltip_content_pos="top" tooltip="true" tooltip_title="More details" tooltip_content="You can add anything here from Admin panel."]<i class="et-icon et-delivery"></i> Free 2-days standard shipping on orders $255+[/etheme_scroll_text_item][etheme_scroll_text_item button_link="url:https%3A%2F%2Fxstore.8theme.com%2F%3Fpage_id%3D5|title:Read%20more||"]You can add anything here from Theme Options.[/etheme_scroll_text_item][/etheme_scroll_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
then add this block into the header using HTML block – http://prntscr.com/pkfs2c
Hm… good idea. I guess I looked at it badly … I wanted to modify the original element instead of using another.
In the meantime, I modified file
line 73 change from
<span class = "text-nowrap"> <? php echo $ key ['text'] '; ?> </ Span>
<span class = "text-nowrap"> <? php echo do_shortcode ($ key ['text'] '); ?> </ Span>
After I create a custom shortcode (insert to function.php in child theme) for show et-icons:
// shortcode for show et-icon
// use: [ss_show_et_icon icon="delivery" typ="light"]
// icon: delivery, coupon, calendar, compare, checked, chat, phone, exclamation, gift, heart, message, internet, sent, shopping-bag
// typ: bold, light
add_shortcode( 'ss_show_et_icon', 'ss_show_et_icon_func' );
function ss_show_et_icon_func( $atts ) {
global $et_icons;
$param = shortcode_atts( array(
'icon' => '',
'typ' => '',
), $atts );
if ( $param['icon'] != '' ) {
if ( $param['typ'] == 'bold' ) {
$icons = $et_icons['bold'];
} else {
$icons = $et_icons['light'];
$output = '<span class="et_b-icon" style="top: 2px; margin-right: .3em;">'.$icons['et_icon-'.$param['icon']].'</span> ';
return $output;
But your solution is better :-), I write only if someone would use shortcode…
One more note – your solution doesn’t have a “Close Button”
Thanks for the reply.
Additional customization in files is outside the scope of basic theme support, sorry.
You are right about the “Close Button”, it is available via settings from the Header builder > Promo text element, only.
There is no ready solution/workaround for this feature right now.
You can post such feature requests and suggestions here – https://www.8theme.com/forums/xstore-wordpress-support-forum/xstore-features/
OK, I add this to XStore feature requests.
Thanks, one of our developers will check it.
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