On store page when I add a product to the cart I don’t get the announcement about
“Successfully added to your shopping cart”
Like on the product page – that it works o.k.
Please your Help
This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 11 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
On store page when I add a product to the cart I don’t get the announcement about
“Successfully added to your shopping cart”
Like on the product page – that it works o.k.
Please your Help
Archive page (shop page) does not have such popup by default. If you add the product on the shop page you just see some opacity for the product during adding to cart. You can disable the Ajax add to cart on the shop page from WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Add to cart behaviour > uncheck Enable AJAX add to cart buttons on archives, then you’ll get the message that your product was added to cart + link to cart.
If I’ll do that, does it make any changes on the product page? or anything else?
There is no option to add the popup there. By the way, in your previous messages you wanted to hide notification https://www.8theme.com/topic/shopping-cart-5/#post-198073 and we provided code to hide it http://prntscr.com/mtmb3j http://prntscr.com/mtmbag. Now you want to show the notification. I’m confused a little bit.
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