Hello there 🙂
I have some questions for your WooPress theme.
I’d like to change the typography within the theme. Is there an easy way to change globally the type styles.
– For instance I’d like to reverse the main styles from UPPERCASE to NONE, then apply UPPERCASE to some of the widget sidebars etc.
– I’d also like to remove globally the use of underlined links.
(If you have any advice on how to keep track and change the type styles the would be amazingly helpful as I find myself taking too much time changing text styles.)
For whatever reason my Blog layout seems to be all over the place. I started by taking all my custom CSS out to see if it was anything that I’d added/changed but with no change.
-Some post titles are under the intro text, some in the correct place.
– The video thumbs don’t seem to stretch proper as there’s grey underneath. Also the excerpt margins are missing. Very strange.
>> Specifically I’d prefer to remove the excerpts all together and just have the thumbnail, category, post title then read more button. If I could have custom code for this, that would be fantastic 🙂
In a similar way, like the ‘Big and Small Style Availables’ video post, the Category name and Post title is underneath the post copy.