(Nota : I completely refreshed WordPress and Xstore on my Host with a new installation, it solved the latest problem)
1- I have a problem in the Checkout page : the stripe fields for payment by credit card appear briefly then disappears. Impossible to pay (. NB : I activated the stripe plugin and account successfully, and activated the test mode to test payments)
2- How to change the name of the button for cheking out in the cart/checkout pages ?
In the Cart Page, it says “Proceed to checkout” while in the checkout page it says “Commander” (OK for French)
I would like to change the “Proceed to checkout” in the cart page to “Procéder au Paiement”.
Same request for the button “Continue Shopping” => should the change of the language (to French in my case) be automatic, or do I to change it manually ? how ?
I added admin account infos for you in the in the private area if needed
(NB: I also just made the XStore update of today v9.3.5, it changes nothing)