Hi there, is there a way to show the subcategories on the breadcrumbs area on each product category? Thank you
This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago ago by Rose Tyler
Hi there, is there a way to show the subcategories on the breadcrumbs area on each product category? Thank you
Hello, Mike Papadakis,
Thank you for contacting us and for using XStore.
We would recommend you contact WooCommerce support to get advice.
Additional customization in files is out of our basic support scope.
Or For more options in the breadcrumbs settings, you can try an SEO plugin or a breadcrumb plugin.
Please note that we did not test these plugins with our theme officially, so can’t guarantee compatibility.
Kind Regards,
8theme team
What I mean is this
You will see in the page title that are categories and subcategories
Hello, Mike Papadakis,
Thank you for the reply.
This is a custom Shop page banner https://prnt.sc/zicdGBKa4H5I .
Please go to Dashboard > Static Block > add a new block and add the desired content there. Then copy the shortcode of the block https://prnt.sc/YBY6oYF0kHV0 > navigate to Theme Options > WooCommerce > Shop > Shop Page Layout > add the shortcode into Shop Page Banner Content > Text tab and select “Shop Page Banner Position”.
Kind Regards,
8theme team
Tagged: archive, breadcrumbs, shop pages, subcategories, themes, woocommerce, wordpress
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