I have two questions…
1- In my store we use a custom ratio for product images (16:9). All images are cropped accordingly, as set in the theme options.
But I would like to do the same with the swatch thumbnails… They’re all automatically set to 1:1 ratio, but I would like them to be 16:9, size 150px width, 100px height. If I upload a 16:9 image, it automatically crops it… when I just want it to have the same aspect as the other images.
The desired layout : https://prnt.sc/44BdVrMGXER7
The current one : https://prnt.sc/G1jEOOZqj6zQ
Can you help me with this ?
Second question :
2- I wanted to have this layout https://prnt.sc/WYXPdNk8MTSo for the product filters. I assumed it was possible, but it seems like it won’t work in ajax… For now I did this : https://prnt.sc/ECO5XsUhSEq0. I think I will manage to modify the CSS to approach the desired result, but it would be great if it was possible to have the elementor style in the theme options…
Is there any way to have the search working in ajax like the other product filters (finitions, bois, forme…) ?
Thank you in advance for your time and help.