Hi 8theme members!
I have been using The Leader for a while now and bought XStore some time back and finally decided to switch.
In the middle of the process of installing the theme something went wrong. Got the blank page error.
I did the trick to go via FTP to change the folder name to trigger so I could access admin pages.
Now I can only use the standard WordPress pages. Tried to return to the The Leader theme but got the blank page error again. So I am stuck with the standard themes…
I have now deleted the XStore folder.
You should have a FTP login already from before. It is the The Leader 2.3 child theme that I want to get back to. (I actually what to update to The Leader 2.5 which is also installed but I remembered that it was so many parts to fix with different coding when changing. Maybe you can take a look at it…:)