Dear Support,
In the title navigation label of the menu, is there a way to show the symbol of a house instead of writing house as text?
This topic has 14 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 10 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
Dear Support,
In the title navigation label of the menu, is there a way to show the symbol of a house instead of writing house as text?
Yes, you can use the FontAwesome icons for this, for example
Dear Olga,
Thank you for your support. I tried the icon but something is wrong because although implemented the short code, the symbol is not actually displayed.
Could you please have a look at it?
Legenda supports 4.7 FA library, so use the code of the version 4.7, not 5.x
But as I can see you overwrote the fontawesome css in the child theme. What changes did you make there and for what?
Dear Olga,
I see, I then tried the short code fa fa-home but still, it is not displayed.
What you have seen in the child theme, is a code added by your team long time ago. At that time I was asking whether there was a way to have the FA symbols implemented in my homepage, a bit bigger. I believe that the css changes the size of the symbols.
Do you think is the css code in the child theme that prevents the fa-home to be displayed?
If I cancel the mentioned css code, do I need to change the code used for the for symbols implemented in my home page underneath the banner, considering that the theme uses now a 4.7 FA library?
Provide us with FTP access to your site and we’ll check the issue in more detail.
Dear Olga,
Please find the FTP details attached.
Please let me know your findings, I would need to implement the solution on the my other staging site.
Best regards.
Check now.
Reupload legenda theme folder from the staging site to production.
Dear Olga,
Thank you for your help.
It works now, could you please explain me how I can fix it on my staging site 3 that I am planning to deploy live? I cannot deploy the staging 4 on which you worked because not updated… I would need to replicate what you have done on the staging4 to the staging3.
Reupload parent legenda theme folder from the staging site to production. And of course, add the FA icon to the menu the same way as it was made at the staging site.
Dear Olga,
All right, my understanding is that I should FTP copy and replace the following folder /wp-content/themes/legenda
However, I have noticed that you copied on my staging 4 the Legenda 4.3 while in envato is not yet present. Can I download the legenda 4.3 folder somewhere from your website or where do you advise me to take it from?
Yes, you should copy and replace the following folder /wp-content/themes/legenda and also would be better to copy and replace /wp-content/plugins/legenda-core. We have not released version 4.3 yet but plan to do this. 4.3 version is compatible with the latest version of WooCommerce that’s why I uploaded this version to your site.
Dear Olga,
Thank you for the clarification, could you please tell me when are you planning to release the 4.3 update?
We need to finish major XStore update and then we’ll be able to release Legenda theme update. The process is a little bit slowed down because of the world situation, our team works remotely and it causes some delays with tasks.
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