Hello, where can I tanslate words “categories”, “show” and “shopping cart”, Loco transations didn’t work.
Also, is it possible to keep varation switches design on products, but remove from shop caalog (marked x)?
This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 minutes ago ago by Rose Tyler
Hello, where can I tanslate words “categories”, “show” and “shopping cart”, Loco transations didn’t work.
Also, is it possible to keep varation switches design on products, but remove from shop caalog (marked x)?
Hello, Rokas,
Thank you for reaching out to us.
1/ Appearance > Widgets > https://prnt.sc/grIFtc8LUlfX
Loco Translate > Plugins > XStore Core > edit translation;
Loco Translate > Plugins > Woocommerce > edit translation;
Loco Translate > Themes > XStore > edit translation;
2/ Theme Options > Woocomerce > Shop elements > Variation swatches > Position > Disable.
Best Regards,
8Theme’s Team
Thanks, everything is working, except mini cart issue. I can’t find string to translate, went through all options you mentioned above.
Hello, Rokas,
You’re welcome!
Here is what we see on your site – https://gyazo.com/ff1d73244eb163077c39e9a5250fc3d9 Please add a product to the cart and check how it works, maybe you need to clear the cache of the browser.
Best Regards,
8Theme’s Team
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