I am using niche-market02 demo for my website and have problem editing the Quick View popup on the right side of the screen. I added a table to show product prices on the Quick View popup on the shop page and it worked on Mac but did not work on Windows. What more do I have to do for it to appear on Windows? Please guide.
function add_table_link() {
global $product;
if (apply_filters('wcmp_show_table_link', true, $product)) {
$table_text = apply_filters('wcmp_report_abuse_text', __('Table', 'dc-woocommerce-multi-vendor'), $product);
$show_in_popup = apply_filters('tier_pricing_table_fixed_body_columns', $iterator, $price_rules, $real_price, $product_id)
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="tier-pricing-summary-table tier-pricing-summary-table--hidden" data-tier-pricing-table-summary>
<?php if ( $title ) : ?>
<h4 style=" margin: 20px 0;"><?php echo esc_html( $title ); ?></h4>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="tier-pricing-summary-table__top">
<div><span data-tier-pricing-table-summary-product-qty></span>x</div>
<div data-tier-pricing-table-summary-product-price></div>
<div class="tier-pricing-summary-table__bottom">
<div><b><span data-tier-pricing-table-summary-product-name></span></b></div>
<div class="tier-pricing-summary-table__total" data-tier-pricing-table-summary-total>