The system don’t assume the colors / menu BG.
We have done the changes and clicked in “Save and Apply” button of theme personalisation, with no changes in the store.
Cache cleaned, no changes.
This topic has 9 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 4 months ago ago by Carlos
The system don’t assume the colors / menu BG.
We have done the changes and clicked in “Save and Apply” button of theme personalisation, with no changes in the store.
Cache cleaned, no changes.
A lot of changes made in theme editor simply don’t apply in the store…
Paddings, heights, logo width, backgrouns, colors…
Cache cleaned, apply button “applied.’ None….
More errors:
Errors in theme editor:
– Logo width changed, no changes in store
– Top header height changed, no changes in store
– Need to mantain 3 social links to enable 2 (facebook and instagram) in header. If I put only 2, it shows only Facebook
– Color not applied in search button in header
– Color not applied in cart button in header
– BG image not changed in principal menu
– BG colocar not changed in footer
– Links in Email / Phone in top header no applied, with the options correctly configurated
As we can see, you are using CDN. Clear CDN cache and check then. Could you temporarily disable the CDN and check how the settings work then? Let us know
Thank you Mrs. Rose Tyler! Almost of things solved with Cloudflare cache clean. Now we deactivated the cache until the site is done. Except:
– Need to mantain 3 social links to enable 2 (facebook and instagram) in header. If I put only 2, it shows only Facebook
– Links in Email / Phone in top header no applied, with the options correctly configurated
And a new problem with Mega Menu. It isn’t aligned in center. When we load the page, it’s automatic repositioned to left of the screen <<< Another one: The font awesome was activated in XStore Performance options, but some icons still not loading (all is configurated, except Blog): New problem found: The pagination isn't working. Numbers neither ajax (we preffer ajax). This category have +50 products:
1/ Theme Options > Header builder > Socials > Elements > delete elements and add new from scratch
2/ Theme Options > Header builder > Contacts element > delete elements and add them from scratch, here is an example of “Url For Field” for phone:
for mail:
2/ It is aligned center according to the parent Main menu item. Try to activate Mega Menu Dropdown Full-Width in Theme Options > Header builder > Main menu.
3/ Try to change FontAwesome Support version > Save settings, change one more time, and click on Publish in Theme Options.
4/ Clear cache of browser and check one more time.
Hello Mrs. Rose Tyler.
1- Solved! Thank you.
2- Removed and recreated, solved. Thank you².
3- (Menu alignment)- It’s exactly what we’re looking for. Thank you³. But, it generate another problem that I will describe below
4- (Font Awesome)- Unfortunatelly, don’t worked. Changed the FA version, save, change again, save, nothing.
New error: Main Menu javascript “gap” of hover area that close the mega menu entire block.
I’ve tried to put a negative margin bottom (-2px) via Theme Builder, but the problem was not solved. It occurs, because we changed (in XStore Theme Builder) the “Min Height (Px)” to 60, for design porpouses. Is there any idea how the min height change don’t impact the submenu block?
Video link in private content area.
* We have temporary maintened the min height with 40px, because this store is nearly to publish.
So, we’ve now only 2 difficults: Font Awesome / Menu problem
Thank you again.
1) Add the below code to Cusotm CSS to overwrite the Massive Addons styles that call old version of the FA icons
body .fa, body .fas {
font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Free' !important;
font-weight: 900;
2) I changed the top/bottom paddings of the menu element and it’s ok. Check now, please.
Solved Mrs. Olga Barlow
Thank you!
The issue related to '‘Theme editor changes don’t apply in store theme’' has been successfully resolved, and the topic is now closed for further responses