HI there,
Please see the attached screenshot. The sticky menu bar doesn’t stay on the top when you’re scrolling on a mobile or tablet. Works fine on landscape though.
This topic has 6 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 2 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
HI there,
Please see the attached screenshot. The sticky menu bar doesn’t stay on the top when you’re scrolling on a mobile or tablet. Works fine on landscape though.
Hello, @marquand,
Sorry for the inconvenience but please share your site wp-admin URL and access in the private content area of this topic by following the below-given format on which you are facing the issue.
So that I will check and fix your issue on your site.
Note: Please take a complete backup of your site first and allow us to debug your site and change/remove the plugins to solve your issues.
Regards 8Themes Team.
Not sure why but it seems to have fixed itself. Maybe a cache issue? Not sure. It doesn’t show on the front end but it does on the back elementor.
However, I imported the beauty and spa demo to use some of the elements but the main header site wide has large height that I can’t seem to control. I have attached the link of the page where it shows.
It works fine on the posts (link provided) but not if I create a page.
There is margin-bottom: 50px for the Main Header. Check screenshot in the Private Content area.
There is XStore studio, which allows the import of content/sections from different demo versions, for example, edit a page using Elementor > click on Studio icon https://prnt.sc/_XOR1df6e3Ic > find the desired block https://prnt.sc/AuzbGwhdZMSg and import it https://prnt.sc/zKzFQqH8QuFZ > then edit content depends on your needs.
Thank you for this. Just a quick one. I used one of the contact forms from the demo but added the right send from email, etc.
The form however just keeps saying Please fill out this field. I have taken the * out of the form as well.
Here is what I can see on your site – https://prnt.sc/cd3ExeI-OC-L Please documentation of Contact form 7 plugin – https://contactform7.com/faq/after-submitting-the-form-i-get-an-error-message/ https://contactform7.com/faq/i-get-an-error-message-with-a-red-border-so-how-can-i-solve-this/
If this doesn’t help, contact their support – https://contactform7.com/support/
Tagged: floats, mobile, sticky menu, themes, woocommerce, wordpress
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