With the latest TheLeader 1.8 theme, I’ve noticed the following messages in my error logs when the “Theme Options” page for “TheLeader” theme is pulled up:
NOTICE: PHP message: PHP Warning: Missing argument 2 for etheme_recognized_google_font_families(), called in /wp-content/themes/theleader/option-tree/includes/ot-functions-option-types.php on line 1614 and defined in /wp-content/themes/theleader/framework/theme-functions.php on line 1995
The cause for this error is the function declaration in “/framework/theme-functions.php” line 1995 requiring two parameters:
function etheme_recognized_google_font_families( $array, $field_id )
However, the only place that it’s called is in “/option-tree/includes/ot-functions-option-types.php” line 1614 and it only passes one parameter:
foreach ( etheme_recognized_google_font_families( $field_id ) as $key => $value )
The easy solution is to simply remove the $array parameter from the “etheme_recognized_google_font_families” declaration in “theme-functions.php” so that it looks like this:
function etheme_recognized_google_font_families( $field_id )