Hi, eveybody.
I bought this theme amd apllied to my site but I have some issues and questions about this, I hope support me about this. My site is http://demo.weezygo.com/ – please lookup first
1. Firstly and big problem is Jquery version incompatiblity. I must use older (1.8.2) jquery version because of simple part plugin (autocomplete) of search box. I couldnt find anything to work together. If I use only older version, main navigation menu not showing correcty this time. If I use only new Jquery version autocomplete not working this time. How can I fix this problem? is it possible to use two version on same page without problem?
Note: Now, only older version is loaded to page and menu not working correct!
2. I used Tabs on my product page. I want to open a tab and focus their content from a button (not tabbed ul button) How can I open and focus to tab content from a simple button? How can I call this event?
3. End finally, I have a lof of popup on my site. I need to reach some codes when popup opened in some pages. For example for classic Bootstrap Modal
$(‘#myModal’).on(‘show.bs.modal’, function () {
I need like this for our popup. How can grab popup event from Javascript?
Best regards, Muhsin Balcıoğlu