Dear Xstore Team,
I’m writing to request assistance with some issues I’m encountering while using the Xstore theme. I’ve followed the documentation closely, but I’m experiencing unexpected behavior.
Here’s a breakdown of the specific problems:
1. Responsive Layout Issues:
I created custom headers for desktop and mobile using the “Customizer Header Builder.” While it works on desktop, the mobile layout occasionally displays the desktop header.
2. Container Issues:
I used “container” elements in my homepage layout. However, it appears inconsistent across browsers, sometimes showing a messy layout. Interestingly, it works perfectly in incognito mode on mobile devices using Google Chrome.
3. Shop Page Layout with WooCommerce:
I built the main shop page using the WooCommerce shop layout, which works as expected. However, when I attempt to create different shop layouts with “XStore Builder” for product archive pages like “COLLECTIONS,” the layout breaks. (Screenshot attached)
Example URLs:
Broken Layout (COLLECTIONS):
Working Layout (Shop Page):
I’m unsure if I’m using “XStore Builder” incorrectly. If I shouldn’t use it for different archive layouts, please advise on how to achieve different headers for pages like “COLLECTIONS” and “SEARCH.”
4. Website Performance:
My website’s performance scores are low (Mobile: 28, Desktop: 50) according to PageSpeed Insights:
I’ve disabled all unnecessary plugins and only use Xstore theme plugins. Can you suggest any settings or optimizations to improve performance?
I’ve contacted support regarding some of these issues before, but haven’t found a complete resolution.
I’d greatly appreciate your assistance in resolving these issues so I can finalize my website and launch it successfully.
Thank you for your time and support.