Hi there,
I would like to change below things but so far I cant find the option, can someone please help?
1. How to change fonts for footer menu?
2. Fonts/Color for copyright text?
3. Chnage button color for quick view?
4. instead of button can we able to keep eye(quick view) icon ?
5. Warning/Notices etc background color?
6. Menu badge (Hot/New etc) color?
7. on category page, it is possible to show secondary image on hover? right now its show left/right arrow and reuired manual click for switch. I wondering if we can show on hover?
8. chnage color of out of stock badge on category view?
9. it is possible to show Add to cart and buy now button next to each other?
10. Jump to top badge : how can we change color for this badge?
Looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks