Hello, i have some problems with this theme:
1. Problems with blog scroll.
I have used the Post Masonry Grid and Post grid on a page (elements from visual composer) and when i want to go dowm, the page ends and i cant go further. The page is here: https://rebrandyourself.ro/blog-2/
The same thing is happening in the default page for blog (from theme) with ajax infinte post loading https://rebrandyourself.ro/blog/
And somethimes the elements are not loaded correctly, overlaping text and photos (desktop and mobile).
2. On mobile, the scroll is stuttering, see homepege and blog.
3. On desktop version if you hover and release “COMUNITATEA REBRAND YOURSELF”, the submenu is flickering.
4. The search is loading too slow, and sometimes it’s not even showing results (when it should).
This problems were tested on multiple computers and devices.