I can’t update anything within the settings, like logo or CSS etc, Theme is latest
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This topic has 14 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 2 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
I can’t update anything within the settings, like logo or CSS etc, Theme is latest
Logins in in private
Have deactivated all plugins and same issue
I’ve tried to change header type and do not see the problem. Is it solved?
Please add API key http://prntscr.com/hnhfza in Dashboard->Ultimate->Google Maps, read more here https://docs.brainstormforce.com/how-to-create-google-api-key-in-order-to-make-the-google-map-element-work/
Try changing the logo, who said about changing the header type??
Done http://prntscr.com/hnhjtl
It won’t for me, I click “Upload” and nothing happens im in chrome
It is strange, I use chrome also. What version of browser do you use? Could you please try to change the logo using another browser?
Just tried safari and still the same, pressing upload does nothing
Oddly the section above which has a “Add media” button, that button works and brings up the popup, but any other button that says “upload” won’t work
Ok amazingly, it is only the “Header Settings” page, all other setting pages work and I can click on upload, but purely on the header setting page, I can’t upload any logo
Sorry, but I can’t re-create the problem https://gyazo.com/127103d96fe32e1f74522cc2fba640dc. Please make sure that you use not old browser version.
I don’t know where to to turn then 🙁 if you have 5 seconds, can you select the new logo I have just uploaded, so until I know the answer we can carry on working
Doesn’t matter it just started working !!!!! Have no idea why
Great. Feel free to ask if you have any other questions.
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