Theme setup switching from my old active theme

This topic has 20 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 7 months ago ago by Alessandro

  • Avatar: Alessandro
    June 28, 2022 at 19:15

    Hello, I’m a new customer.

    The theme looks pretty nice but I need some help to switch all my content from my old theme to XStore.

    A first maybe stupid question but I have not find the answer for it.. what is the plugin “XStore_Core_v.4.2.1”, is it required to run the theme? maybe few problems are caused because I have not installed it.

    My actually problems:

    1) I can’t see the main menu, as well as the top one (I can instead catch a glimpse of my shop logo that scrolls if I pass over with the mouse)

    2) How can I create a main menu like the one in your demo:
    with that sign in and cart buttons?
    Also same question for the little black vertical menu visible at the right with white icons please.

    3)where do I add/remove sliders from pages? example I don’t want it in home page, cart, checkout, my account page, but I want it in products page.

    4)I’ve a problem with the products bundle in my shop, the tab with the audio players is over the product image, I tried to move it below but then I have the tab over the taxonomies and buttons, need help for this also please.
    example link in private content area

    5)how can I change the products images size in the homepage sliders? If you see the one under the image “Bundles” you can see that the size is different from the selected one.

    Thank you in advance for the support

    Best Regards

    Please, contact administrator
    for this information.
    19 Answers
    Avatar: Rose Tyler
    Rose Tyler
    Support staff
    June 29, 2022 at 07:13


    Thanks for using our theme and for contacting us.
    XStore Core – a plugin that includes additional functionality of the XStore theme (Portfolio, Testimonials, Static Blocks, Header Builder, Sales Booster etc.). This plugin is required.

    We can’t log in – ( IPs and ) Please check.


    Avatar: Alessandro
    June 29, 2022 at 17:12

    Hi Rose,

    thanks for the fast reply and sorry for not seeing that description in the doc. Anyway I’ve just realized that I had already installed that plugin, so I think that problems are related to other things.

    Also sorry for the firewall block, I totally forgot to mention it.

    I’ve just added the provided Ips to the whitelist and you should now be able to access to the admin dashboard.


    Avatar: Rose Tyler
    Rose Tyler
    Support staff
    June 30, 2022 at 09:16


    Thanks for the reply.
    1/ Go to Theme Options > Header builder > add elements into the header content (here you can find videos about header builder ) or import a header via Header Builder > Header templates > Ready To Go Headers
    2/ Add elements into the Header builder, for example,
    This panel – was created just for demo.
    3/ Try to disable Breadcrumbs via Theme options > Breadcrumbs > Breadcrumbs Type OR go to Dashboard > Pages > edit page > [8theme] Layout options > Breadcrumbs Style > Disable.
    If this is not what you are looking for, provide us with screenshots for a better understanding. You can use Lightshot screenshot or Gyazo tool to make screenshot and share the link here.
    4/ Check your custom CSS code in Theme Options > Additional CSS area
    5/ Please read this article –


    Avatar: Alessandro
    July 1, 2022 at 11:54


    1) Thanks but it was not my question, I already have a top menu and a main menu, you can see them in wp dashboard:

    I can’t see them (I can instead catch a glimpse of my shop logo that scrolls if I pass over with the mouse). Need to have them working please.

    2)Thanks, I mean what do i need to display that style for the cart button and how to get the account and cart opened in a right popup right your demo.

    3)I can’t find “Breadcrumbs Type” in the indicated path, also I don’t understand where u find ” Layout options > Breadcrumbs Style”, if I edit a page I can’t see anything related to this option.

    4) sure thanks, I meant what code should I use to move the whole block for bundle products only

    5)thanks, but as said “If you see the product slider under the image “Bundles” in the homepage you can see that the size is different from the selected one.”
    So it means that I selected “163×163” but they looks bigger.

    I gave u admin access and whitelisted your ip in order to let u able to check my site, also it’s a staging site so no worry in any test or change since it’s not the live site.


    Avatar: Rose Tyler
    Rose Tyler
    Support staff
    July 1, 2022 at 12:18


    1/ You need to add elements into the content of header builder, for example –
    Clear cache and check.
    2/ Add elements into the header content and change settings depending on your needs
    3/ Theme Options > (I’ve set it)
    or Edit a page (go to Pages > click on page title) >
    4/ I’ve deleted
    “/* product page */
    .product-info-wrapper, .product-information, .product-summary-center, .product-summary-fixed {
    left: -585px;

    /* Product bundled */
    /* Form Division */
    .product-information form{

    check Lion Psytrance Soundsets Bundle product now.
    Let us know if any further assistance is needed. Describe the desired result in more detail, please.
    5/ I’ve disabled “Stretch Product Image” via Theme options >


    Avatar: Alessandro
    July 1, 2022 at 13:33

    Impressed by the velocity of the support, thanks.

    1) I now understand thanks, anyway what about the mentioned logo?
    “I can instead catch a glimpse of my shop logo that scrolls if I pass over with the mouse”

    2) great thanks

    3) so brandcup style not type, understand also in the page editor thanks.
    Anyway since I was not able to see any difference I had a search online and I understand what is breadcrumbs. Not what I was looking for, I’m talking about this:

    4) I’ve added the code you removed for have that block aligned to the left in the product page, now it’s again at the right and I don’t like it.
    I’d like to have the same style of my active theme, examples:
    single product
    bundle product

    so in the bundle product the block with audio players is on the left under the product image. With the code I use for move the block to the left single product looks good but bundles has the block over the product image.

    5) thanks now size is ok, but the audio player comes out of the product image

    Avatar: Rose Tyler
    Rose Tyler
    Support staff
    July 1, 2022 at 13:49


    1/ As I can see, you’ve disabled Breadcrumbs for the Home page so the image is not visible. I’ve set Background Image for the Breadcrumbs via Theme options, so that logo will not be shown on other pages also.
    2/ You’re welcome! 🙂
    3/ It is sidebar. Go to Theme Options > Blog > Blog layout > Show Sidebar Only On Blog Page > On or Sidebar Position > Without.
    Content of that sidebar you can change via Appearance > Widgets > Main sidebar.
    4, 5/ I will answer soon.


    Avatar: Rose Tyler
    Rose Tyler
    Support staff
    July 1, 2022 at 14:10

    4/ Go to Theme options > WooCommerce > Single product builder > activate the builder and create layouts depending on your needs (Multiple templates), for example
    5/ Try to use the next custom CSS code:

    .woocommerce-loop--woocommerce_thumbnail-con.dzsap--go-to-thumboverlay--container {
        display: inline-block;
        position: relative;


    Avatar: Alessandro
    July 1, 2022 at 16:47

    Superb support and theme,

    1) perfect so it depends from breadcrumbs in homepage, thanks

    3) if I select it “Show Sidebar Only On Blog Page > On or Sidebar Position > Without” the sidebar is hidden in the homepage thanks, but there’s a block in the single product builder for slider that doesn’t display it. I tried to move it in different section but I don’t see it anywhere

    4)amazing, it works perfectly for single product, but since I’ve removed image from single product it’s removing the image for bundle products too, also the short description (which contains the shortcode to display the audioplayers) disappear

    5) that code works perfectly for the homepage sliders, but not for the cross sell or related products one at the bottom of the products page, maybe it’s possible to display 6 products on them so they would has the same size of other products and the problem should be fixed?

    Avatar: Rose Tyler
    Rose Tyler
    Support staff
    July 2, 2022 at 12:57


    3/ Single product builder > , so go to Appearance > Widgets > add content into this area
    4/ I am not sure that fully understand your request. Please describe the desired result in more detail, one more time. Thanks in advance.
    5/ Single Product Builder > Is this what you are looking for?


    Avatar: Alessandro
    July 2, 2022 at 16:50

    Support on Saturday too, wow..

    3) pretty perfect thanks

    4) the best way to understand what I’m looking for is check the difference from staging site with your theme active and the live on ewith the old theme,

    single product (they looks almost the same so it’s ok)

    bundle product (see the difference to fix: product image, div.summary.entry-summary)

    with this I mean this

    5)yes perfect! I move it to 5 and now player is well fixed thanks

    Avatar: Alessandro
    July 2, 2022 at 16:50

    new points..

    6) I’ve costumized the main and bottom headers but seems that the costumizer doesn’t save the editing, once I publish I can’t see the costum work. You can see the difference comparing what is visible in the site whit the costumizazion in the following screen and test yourself

    6a) Also the logo in the main header results smaller even with maximum zoom, the image is bigger than the one used for your logo but looks smaller, why?

    6b) Any chance to get the vertical menu aspect similar to the one of the vertical menu created with the Superfly plugin? so add icons in the menu? You can see it active in the live site, but you can also of course see it in the staging one by activating the “Superfly menu” plugin.

    7) I’ve added a css for change the text color in the product page sidebar yith widget but seems that is showing the opposite request, what am I making wrong? I want text #eee and text:hover #997fe0

    .sidebar-widget ul li a, .widget_product_categories.sidebar-widget ul li a {
    color: #eee;

    .sidebar-widget ul li a, .widget_product_categories.sidebar-widget ul li a:hover {
    color: #997fe0;

    8) In this product I see taxonomies not good as other products, any idea of why?

    9) in the homepage I’ve inserted a Xstore products slider (the last one at the bottom of the site under the Bundles image). Is it possible to display there too 6 products instead of 4? Also how can I add a white background to the navigation arrowsthat appears on the sides of the slider once you go over with the mouse?

    I used this code but it doesn’t work

    /* Costumize xstore product slider nav color */
    .swiper-custom-right:not(.et-swiper-elementor-nav), .swiper-custom-left:not(.et-swiper-elementor-nav) {
    background: white !important;

    I may need another little help for another thing if I’ll not be able to do and then I’ll publish the site.. thanks for your amzing support.. super incoming review for you 🙂

    Avatar: Rose Tyler
    Rose Tyler
    Support staff
    July 4, 2022 at 12:37


    Sorry for the delay in answering. – please add this ip also –
    Let’s solve your questions step by step finished but not a list of 10 questions because they make a mess and we don’t understand which question is done and which one isn’t. Please post all questions separately via different topics – , different members of our support team will work on them, so answers will be faster to separate topics. We hope for your understanding.


    Avatar: Alessandro
    July 4, 2022 at 13:24

    Hi Rose, absolutely no problem.

    I’ve added the new ip to the whitelist, also I’m going to create new tickets for the new points.
    So here I just wait the reply for point 4, thanks!

    Avatar: Rose Tyler
    Rose Tyler
    Support staff
    July 4, 2022 at 14:31


    Thanks for understanding.
    About point 4: We found that yith bundled plugin which you use has own shortcodes to show list of bundled products so we added [bundled_items] and [bundle_add_to_cart] shortcodes to Single Product builder -> Html block 01 and Html block 02 ->
    Also we added for you custom css that was on your previous web-site ( )
    Please, check now


    Avatar: Alessandro
    July 4, 2022 at 14:39

    Perfect thanks, any way to display the image as for the live site?

    please not that it’s visible only for bundle products and not for single products.

    Also, I see you have added the costum css on Them costum CSS – Global Css, is there a difference instead to add the code in the additional css?

    Avatar: Rose Tyler
    Rose Tyler
    Support staff
    July 5, 2022 at 07:35


    1/ We added gallery element in Single Product builder ( ) . Please, check all elements we provide on the bottom of the builder.
    2/ We added custom css to make gallery inline-block like you had on live site
    Theme Options -> Theme Custom CSS -> Global CSS

    .single-product-builder .swipers-couple-wrapper {
    display: inline-block;
    width: auto;

    3/ We added next custom css to hide gallery on all products except for the bundle ones
    Theme Options -> Theme Custom CSS -> Global CSS

    .single-product-builder.type-product:not(.product-type-yith_bundle) .images-wrapper {
    display: none;

    The difference of our Theme Custom CSS and Additional CSS is in the fact that if you want to import/export settings then Theme Custom CSS will be included in the export file but Additional CSS won’t be because it is in the separate tables in database and not included by default on export.


    Avatar: Alessandro
    July 5, 2022 at 13:36

    All perfect thanks! Also understand the difference for the additional and theme css.


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