I accidentally imported a single page in theoptions import export. Theme is woopress and I wanted to use the demo side called boxed which was initially all fine. After the imprt from I do’t know which page anymore, lt’s say “coming soon”my whole theme appearnce was changed: extra menus, page packgrouwnd etc. I manually changed it all bck to almost original but the breadcrums settings “deafult”I cant get back. The theme doesnot listen to changes in that respect. Some pages won’t get breadcrumbs at all anymore. Originally there was a gray breadcrumb background with black text and red for hovered and for the current navigation. All the text stays all white.
two questions:
1) How can I import the “boxed” version over/after a quick look at another one ins stead of manually change it all back to original?
2 How can I change my breadcrumb problem: original text colors / hovered red and also for cuurent navigation + breadcrumbs for pages where it is set and not shown?
Thanks in advance,