I have the title “favorites” on my home page and I am trying to change the font by changing the H2 or H1 settings but it doesn’t seem to follow that rule.
Could you let me know how I can change the display on that title?
This topic has 9 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 10 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
I have the title “favorites” on my home page and I am trying to change the font by changing the H2 or H1 settings but it doesn’t seem to follow that rule.
Could you let me know how I can change the display on that title?
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Edit settings of Custom Heading element. What exactly do you want to change and can’t, font-size or something else?
I want to change the font to the CAC-champagne font that should be for my title.
Since it is a H3 elements I thought it would be taking that display already?
Custom Heading Settings > set Yes for “Use theme default font family?”
I was looking for that function in customize but cannot find it. Where is that setting? Thanks
I see that you use the paragraph tag for that title https://gyazo.com/7766a7b8165d2bc96b6cc4e95eba482c So, if you check “Use theme default font family?” it will use the font that you set for the body in theme typography settings. If you want to use another font then uncheck the tick and choose the font you need https://gyazo.com/5ac2efc4f5cf1cf7a1ee4ea8054bb722
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