Hello…As you can see, in my cart in the upper side of the site have subtotal, not total…How can I fix it?
Many thanks!!!
This topic has 7 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 3 months ago ago by Rodrigo
Hello…As you can see, in my cart in the upper side of the site have subtotal, not total…How can I fix it?
Many thanks!!!
Do you mean that you want to change the text or that price is not correct there?
If you want to change text then use theme translation files (Loco Translate > Themes > WooPress) find the Subtotal text and change it to what you need.
Hello Olga, I would like to show TOTAL not SUBTOTAL. But not the text, the real amount. The problem is the client can’t see discounts in real time…
Do you have the mentioned issue with our theme only? Go to Appearance > Themes > install and activate the Storefront theme (default WooCommerce theme) and check the minicart.
Our theme should not affect the default functionality. If you have the same issue even with the default theme you need to contact WooCommerce plugin support https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/woocommerce/
Hello Olga…I think that there’s not a issue…it’s about minicart configuration
Point is that we use the default WooCommerce functions to display the information of the mini cart and don’t have any extra options for this. So, if you want to change the content of this you can do this only by additional cutomization.
Ok, many thanks again Olga 😉
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