I have a several translation problems…but I can’t find the translation file to modify in Poedit. https://snipboard.io/TgSNvQ.jpg
Many many Thanks
This topic has 7 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 9 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
I have a several translation problems…but I can’t find the translation file to modify in Poedit. https://snipboard.io/TgSNvQ.jpg
Many many Thanks
Please read our documentation – https://www.8theme.com/demo/docs/woopress/Theme_Translation/Base_Theme_Translation.html
Thanks, but I’m afraid that it doesn’t work. I can’t find the translation file
I supose that is another translation file 🙁
Use Loco Translate plugin to translate theme http://prntscr.com/sjkvek
It will allow you to translate theme and WooPress core plugin directly from the Dashboard and also system will generate translation files automatically using pot file that comes with theme and core plugin.
If you still don’t understand how to create translation using loco translate then provide us with WP Dashboard access and we’ll make screenshots for you from your Dashboard to explain more detailed.
I found it!!!!
Many many many thanks again Olga!!!!! 😉
You’re welcome!
Have a nice day.
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