This topic has 19 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 3 months ago ago by Eva Kemp
Q1: Where do I translate the empty shopping cart text?
Q2: In the checkout procedure there are two identical names of the step 2 and 3. Please place a product in the cart and go to checkout.
You will see 4 steps: Checkout methode – verzendadres – verzendadres – uw bestelling
I need to change the name of step #2. Where can I do that?
(I have worked with the .po file in the woocommerce area)
Thanks in advance for your help,
1. That text can be translated in .po file in the directory wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/i18n/languages/.
2. You can change that text in wp-content/themes/legenda/languages in .po file.
Thank you.
Eva Kemp.
There is no .po file in the directory wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/i18n/languages/.
There is only a .pot file. Can I change this or how do progress from here?
I have updated some of the translations in the wp-content/themes/legenda/languages in .po file. In the last step of the checkout a number of untranslated words appear:
I checked in the legenda .po file, they are all translated there. Any ideas where this comes from?
You can find files with that words in /wp-content/themes/legenda/woocommerce/checkout folder.
Robert Hall.
I do not want to make changes in the php codes of the checkout folder; we want to run a multi-language site. This means we need to be able to translate these items. Can you direct me where to translate please?
If you want to run a multi-language website you need to contact to WooCommerce support team and their specialists will look into this issue more deeply.
Robert Hall.
Where can I find the translation of this part:
When I add an item to the wishlist I get an english text in the product page.
Thank you,
Try to replace word Product Code in this file.
(line 64)
(line 351)
(line 47)
Don’t forger to make backup of this files.
Robert Hall.
can’t I create a Dutch .po file in the language folder of the yith-woocommerce-wishlist plugin? will it take the specified default language?
I got the message “WooCommerce Multilingual is enabled but not effective. It requires WPML, WPML Translation Management, WPML String Translation and WPML Media in order to work.”
But when I purchased the theme WPML was included in the package as indicated here:
Can you figure me out how to activate and use it?
Hi Commersant 19, you will have to buy WPML and install all the missing plugins.
The whole translation of the site is a bit of a nightmare in spite of using he WPML suite, since there are so many different .po files that rule the translationS of the site.
I created a dutch .po file in the /wp-content/plugins/yith-woocommerce-wishlist/languages/ folder. That does the trick for translating the wishlist.
What you can do is take the default.po file, edit it in poedit.exe and after translating save it using the language naming convention used in WP: for Dutch e.g. it is yit-nl_NL.po. Make sure you place both the .po and .mo file in the folder on the server.
Good luck,
Thanks for your advise. But as 8theme promote they have already included the WPML in their product, as I guess it needs activation only
Hello Mackenzy,
So, is your issue solved?
Robert Hall.
2 more questions:
where do I translate the search results in the dropdown from the search menu?
How do I get rid of the possibility to show the black areas on the front page that invite me to put widgets there?
That block can be translated in .po files in legenda/languages directory.
To disable right side panel go to Theme Options > Header > “Use right side panel” > Off.
Thank you.
Eva Kemp.
Thank you Eva.
The translation issue was solved with WPML, a setting needed to be changed:
In order to be able to scan the plugins for strings you have to select “Translate by WPML” from WPML >> Theme and plugin localization.
Then you will be presented with a list of your plugins and then you have to select the plugin and scroll to the bottom of the page and press scan.
Afterwards you can go to string translation module and search for these strings.
Hope this helps others that may be struggling with translations.
Thank you for sharing the solution.
We’re glad you’ve fixed it.
Enjoy your work.
Eva Kemp.
Tagged: cart, checkout, optimized, procedure, translation, woocommerce, wordpress
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