We have a twitter slider on our footer which is good but when I tried to put a twitter slider into our contact page it made the one in the footer display incorrectly. I’ll include an image as well.
This topic has 17 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 9 months ago ago by Eva Kemp
We have a twitter slider on our footer which is good but when I tried to put a twitter slider into our contact page it made the one in the footer display incorrectly. I’ll include an image as well.
Could you please provide us with the link to your contact page and admin panel credentials to check the issue?
Eva Kemp.
It is all in private content. Thanks.
Thank you for the credentials.
Sorry but there is conflict between 2 twitter slider blocks on one page as our theme doesn’t provide such possibility. Unfortunately you have to use only one slider.
Eva Kemp.
Ah okay, thank you. Another thing on the contact page is that our form is not displaying a title.
Something else I’ve noticed is that the hidden top menu doesn’t open on the “Our Wines” page.
I’ve set the title for contact form using Text Block element:
You can modify it with text editor in admin panel.
Also please provide us with FTP access to check the issue with hidden top menu on the “Our Wines” page.
Thank you.
Eva Kemp.
The FTP details are in the private content. Thanks.
There is an issue in Visual Composer plugin, which interrupt work of our script.
We advise you to contact Visual Composer support regarding this question.
Jack Richardson
The Visual Composer support forum won’t accept the item purchase code from the download of the Legenda theme. But this is how I purchased the plugin. I can’t set up a ticket without it. Any ideas what to do? Thanks.
You can try to contact them in comments on themeforest.net or buy plugin yourself.
If you give us permission to provide your credentials we can try to contact them concerning your issue. But it will take much more time, then if you do it yourself.
Jack Richardson
Hi Jack.
If you wouldn’t mind doing that for us, that would be great. I don’t really want to purchase the plugin separately seeing as I already acquired it within your theme download.
Credentials are below.
Just to confirm, this is regarding the ‘hidden top panel’ on my ‘our wines’ page ( At the moment, it isn’t clicking/working.
Many thanks and much appreciated.
We’ll contact them concerning your issue. When we’ll get reply we’ll inform you here.
Jack Richardson
Fab. Thanks ever so much
We’ve updated the file vc.php in wp-content/themes/legenda/framework directory and now top menu is working on “Our Wines” page.
Please check it.
Eva Kemp.
Fantastic! Cheers Eva!
You’re welcome.
Enjoy your work!
Eva Kemp.
The issue related to '‘Twitter Slider’' has been successfully resolved, and the topic is now closed for further responses