I added in child/footer.php this code:
jQuery('[data-filter=".sort-0-in-evidence-it"]').trigger( "click" );
jQuery('[data-filter=".sort-0-in-evidence-en"]').trigger( "click" );
jQuery('[data-filter=".sort-0-in-evidence-cn"]').trigger( "click" );
in order to have in any language the button “in evidence” (its slug is “0-in-evidence-it” for Italian, “0-in-evidence-en” for English, “0-in-evidence-cn” for Chinese) loaded ad first choice instead of “Show all”.
My question is:
Could I insert this code directly in the portfolio page in order to have these instructions called only on that page instead of every page of the website (even if when not necessary)?
Other question:
There is a way to call a category of the Portfolio (for example “Editorial content”) by a link? Namely, open the page with this button selected.
Maybe sometimes like: sitename.com/en/portfolio?filter=.sort-9-editorial-contents-en (where “9-editorial-contents-en” is the slug of that category in English). I know that a link in this way doesn’t work, but I would like to know how to write it