Hello, I downloaded the “Installable WordPress file only” from themeforest.net and uploaded them to my site and get stuck on the “Installing Theme from uploaded file: themeforest-11024192-classico.zip (shortened file name)
Unpacking the package…” screen. I have tested with current my current site and a fresh wordpress install within a sub domain. I also tried uploading it to a local installation but get a character path limit of 260 which causes it not to install.
I tried updating my site to the newest version following steps here: https://www.8theme.com/classico-theme-documentation/ but there is no such link listed in step 3 “Go to 8theme Options > Update theme” so I then tried unzipping and using ftp to update the theme but had not luck (more info why at https://www.8theme.com/topic/total-path-and-file-name-length-must-not-exceed-260-characters-classico-ftp/)
So finally I deleted the old version and tried to uploading the new version but can not do so. Now my customer has a theme they purchased and can not use. Need help ASAP.